Friday, February 15, 2008

Teacher Certification Update - Georgia

Note: Visit my education blog, The Green Cup.

After about eight months of working on it and five test sessions on four different dates, the state of Georgia has granted me a clear renewable license to teach with endorsements in several areas of special education, early childhood education (PreK to 5), middle grades math (4-8), and middle grades social studies (4-8).

It means I don't have to worry about keeping my job for a little while, at least. My Georgia license is good until the end of June, 2012.

It will be interesting to see how the special education certifications transfer back to West Virginia. Georgia certifies special ed teachers by grade and content area. West Virginia does it by disability area. I hope that my Georgia endorsements transfer back as WV certification in learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and autism.

I should get the actual physical license from Georgia in eight or 10 days and I have the paperwork already filled out to submit to West Virginia fro them to recognize.

I take the test for certification in reading (k-12) in Georgia in March.

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