Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blogging: the Year so Far...

This is my 300th post here at this blog. I thought that made it a good time to reflect on my blogging habits.

In the 327 days since January 1st I have written 644 blog posts:That's just shy of two blog posts per day as an average.

And I almost forgot my 200 updates on Twitter...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Two Snow Days in One Week - BEFORE Thanksgiving

The news is saying it's been awhile. Okay, a couple of decades. Two snow days in one week, before Thanksgiving...

We had Monday off this week. Then there was snow today. The school system builds in six snow days. We'll see if this is a predictor of things to come. The weather man says we could have snow on Tuesday. That might mean half our snow days are gone before Thanksgiving.

Private School for Obama Kids Just Doesn't Bother Me

Conservative commentators are making hay out of the fact that Barack and Michelle will be sending their daughters to a private school. How can the liberal savior of the common man not be a hypocrite if he sends his kids to private school? That's the Conservative whine.

I'm a public school teacher in one of America's poorest counties. I suspect that the First Family provides unique considerations when it comes to education the children. it really doesn't bother me to see the First Kids go to a private school.

It will bother me even less if Bill Richardson ends up in the education chair at cabinet meetings...