Sunday, April 13, 2008

First Mowing of the Dandelions

On Friday night we started our spring break: nine days (counting the two weekends) with no school. Saturday We promptly began the first mowing of the dandelions. Most of our neighbors have mowed at least once. We just hadn't gotten there yet...

The grass was thick. But you almost couldn't see if for the yellow dandelion heads in the yard. Cheryl hates them. I've never thought of them as anything but wildflowers.

The dandelions in my yard on Saturday...

We usually mow in patches: the front of the house one afternoon, the west side and back on the next day, the east side on the third day, then the far side of the creek. Saturday we mow everything. Rain was in the forecast and we're planning to be away from home for a day or two. Cheryl rides the mower, I use the push mower to trim the edges and do the creek bank. Not having done it since October or November, it left me a little sore...

This was perhaps the best crop of dandelions we've ever had.

Saturday the mercury was in the 70's. This morning we awoke to snow. For a few moments there were white patches on the ground. It melted. We're expected a low of 28F tonight and there is more snow in the forecast.

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