Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kehidupan (Life)

Saya sakit hari ini. Dan kemarin dan kemarin dulu. Dan Minggu dan Sabtu. Lima hari-hari sakit. Saya hidung sakit. Saya telinga kiri sakit. Saya kerongkongan sakit. Saya panas. Saya badan seluruh sakit.

Saya pergi dokter kermarin. Dia memberi saya obat. Dia katanya tidak bekerja selama dua hari.

Saya pergi rumah. Saya minum teh. Saya tidur...

Saya tidak begitu sakit sekarang. Saya pergi bejerka besok. Saya guru di sekolah dasar.

Well, there's my first try at blogging in the Indonesia language. Here's a rough translation, followed by a word list...

I was sick today. And yesterday and the day before. And Sunday and Saturday. Five days sick. My nose was sick. My left ear was sick. My throat was sick. I was hot. My whole body was sick.

I went to the doctor yesterday. He gave me medicine. He said no work for two days.

I went home. I drank tea. I slept.

I'm not very sick now. I'll go to work tomorrow. I am a teacher at an elementary school.

The words in red are implied and do not have an Indonesian equivalent.

saya = I, my
sakit = sick (hurt, ache, general illness)
hari = day
ini = this
hari ini = this day, today
hari-hari = days
dan = and
kemarin = yesterday
kemarin dulu = the day before yesterday
Minggu = Sunday
Sabtu = Saturday
lima = five
hidung = nose
telinga = ear
kiri = left (the opposite of right)
kerongkongan = throat
panas = hot (used here for fever)
badan = body
seluruh = whole
pergi = to go (go, went)
dokter = doctor
Dia = he
memberi = to give (someone something)
obat = medicine, a cure, a remedy
katanya = to tell (someone something)
tidak = no, not (for verbs)
tidak begitu = not very
bekerja = work
selama = for
dua = two
rumah = house
minum = dring
teh = tea
tidur = sleep
sekarang = now
besok = tomorrow
guru = teacher
di = at
sekolah = school
sekolah dasar = elementary school

I'm sure there are plenty of errors here. If you speak Indonesian (and English) left me know what my mistakes are by commenting. I'll be most grateful...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did a pretty good job overall. Here is the list of the errors:
Lima hari-hari (i know it's plural but lima hari is the correct structure)
saya = i
my or mine = saya punya
So, the correct way to say my nose is saya punya hidung or hidungku. the suffix -ku in indonesian = my.
Saya pergi dokter kemarin = i went doctor yesterday.
The correct way would be:
Saya pergi ke dokter kemarin. KE = to. The same thing with saya pergi rumah. It should be saya pergi ke rumah. Because there is no perfect Indonesian translation for home. Saya pergi rumah in English is like I go/went house.
Dia katanya should be dia berkata. And it should read, dia berkata saya tidak boleh bekerja...
The word No here in Indonesian is more like can't.
Dia katanya tidak bekerja selama dua hari = He said (that) he doesn't/didn't work for two days. The suffix -nya here refer to dia/he (and could easily be mistaken for the doctor instead of you).
Hope this helps.